I personally have been going along catching Ash’s team, and doing this you get to see the events with the Squirtle Squad, Charmander and Bulbasaur. I love that you don’t have to catch the same Pokemon Ash did, but if you do it unlocks more story and events. Your starter is Pikachu and the story plays out almost identically to what happens episode by episode in the show. This means you get to play the game as Ash Ketchum. Pokemon Ash Gray is a game based entirely, and quite accurately, on the first series of the anime. The base ROM for this game is Pokemon Fire Red, so you will notice a lot of the towns and places are the same. Lets start with the one I am still playing right now, and that is Pokemon Ash Gray. For the rest of this article I’m going to highlight two of the best user made ROM’s on the net ROM hacks, are ROMs that have been changed and reprogrammed to have a new story, or new Pokemon added into the game that weren’t originally there. What if someone out there was making Pokemon games with new stories in them? Or putting Pokemon from every generation on to the one game card? If that idea excites you then you’re in luck! There are a lot of people who thought the same thing and they have done something about it. They have very little story other than: beat bad guys, do the league and gyms and find the legendaries. So lets say that like me, you have played most of the Pokemon games and you know how they work by now.

These are played on emulators of the console that they were originally intended for, so in this case DS or GBA. The video game ROM stores the information that normally resides within the system’s read only memory, hence the term ROM’s. ROMs, or to be more specific game ROMs, are generally copies of older games which were designed either for cabinet arcades or for older consoles and handhelds.

#Top ten pokemon ds rom hacks Pc
You know that I will always have a game of Pokemon running on something, be it on my DS, my phone or PC via a ROM. If you have ever listened to the Glitch free Game Podcast. Love it or hate it it’s still one of the best selling game series in the world.

Paul tells us about his little Pokemon secret.